The Mother Heart of God

It can feel like a slippery fish to start using the term mother for ‘Abba’ God. Yet I am reminded today that the mother heart has its source in the same place as the father heart.

Our words are so limited.

Today I am reflecting on the joy and beauty of the mother’s love for us that exists. These are my reflections.


Anchor Me

The mother’s heart caterwauls loud within

My child






Now I am a mother I can well appreciate

that ‘dreadful’ mother who approached Jesus

to petition for a place of honour for her sons


It is woven into the fabric of my life

this constant temptation

to promote




the overwhelming desire, my constant companion,

for others to see

and notice

and love this child who keeps my wild heart in rhythm


What truly astounds me though is to think of you God

the mother heart that is from before beginning

            the mother heart from whom all other mother hearts were fashioned

the fierceness of that love

the depth of that knowing and noticing

the wildness of that advocacy

… now aimed at me, in all my splendid imperfection


To think I could be loved, as a daughter

by the very one

who longs to gather

whose name is comfort

who lives to intercede on my behalf


How well I know the very real need I have for intercession


just for a moment


Let me wiggle my toes deep

into the wet sand of being loved by you

so deep

I am anchored against the waves

so deep

that every sense knows

I am secure in an eternal mother’s love


though I may never comprehend its width

or plumb its depths


I am, in all my smallness

able to grasp its beauty, just a little

by knowing my own capacity

for mother’s love.


Blessings and love

x Miriam x